Changing times! Vaja on leida julgeid lahendusi ja ideid…

Change always requires flexibility, new thinking and a new approach ! In a difficult period, there is also a lot to do with the warehouse that you didn’t bother to think about before because you simply didn’t need to.
Businesses certainly have many challenges to deal with at the moment: some have seen sales fall to zero and some have seen turnover multiply. Such circumstances require agility and solutions that work.
With a hint of frustration, it can be said that hopefully there will not be such a “convenient” time to renovate, repair, upgrade, develop the warehouse….
We help companies that have a little bit of storage to do in all three directions:
- Pull together to a smaller surface
- Expand quickly to a larger surface area
- Store more in the available space
As trade flows and volumes diminish, what you can do with stock…
Use shelving more densely by creating new smaller assembly and storage zones.

In the low-level shelving active area, install shelving drawers, a base trolley or rollers to store several different products in one storage area.
The saw goes out and allows easy access to deeper goods.

- Bring all the nomenclature that is still in the process of moving closer to the point of delivery.
- Use dividers, boxes, etc. to maximise the use of smaller storage spaces.
- Once the locations have been created, place the goods and mark the locations accordingly.
- Mark all the unnecessary and place them in heights. Dispose of if necessary.
During a major retraction, check the damaged lorry posts and beams. Have them replaced.
Once the project is done, see if and how many shelves are left empty. See if there are other companies with similar concerns.
Perhaps it is possible to somehow link laologistics. Yes, for us Estonians it seems a bit insurmountable, this interaction with a stranger,
but as they say ” give it a try”.
Moving together – two companies in one warehouse or for example an office warehouse !
Mezzanine or loft solution.
With a mezzanine, you can create a mezzanine supported on poles. You can create an office upstairs, workstations and a warehouse downstairs, or vice versa.

There are different ways.
It is also possible to have storage shelves on the ground floor supported by a mezzanine. If you are planning to put several floors of shelving, you can immediately use high shelving frames for fine goods, which will support several floors.
Maybe it is time to get to grips with some of these new possibilities and do the necessary!
We’ve also written a bit about the possibilities of loft and mezzanine flooring on our blog before.
You can watch it here…maybe it will help!
Good luck! And be strong!