Creating a corridor warehouse using a solution based on poles

In this section, we will look at how to create a mezzanine floor or storage area. A stackable warehouse is the easiest way to double or even triple the storage space. A mezzanine supported on posts gives free rein to how to combine, workstations, storage shelves, pallets, etc. between.

So let’s talk about a mezzanine floor supported on poles. The ‘soul’ of the mezzanine supported on the posts is a self-contained metal frame that is not attached to the building.

The columns are connected to the main beams and the main beams are connected to each other by intermediate beams supported by the floor. Stairways, stair rails and goods gates are essential elements of the mezzanine floor for the safe lifting of goods to the different floors.

As with everything, you want the solutions you offer to work, to be secure and to be of high quality. Our supplier of post supported mezzanine flooring has built a lot of floors over the last 40 years, and as a result has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

The mezzanine floor supported by our poles complies with all European rules, regulations and standards, as already mentioned, safety and security are the key words.

Once the mezzanine floor has been handed over to the customer, the further safe use of the product is the direct responsibility of the customer, who must also make it clear to his employees what is allowed and what is not.

For example, if there is a hoist operating below the floor, it is particularly important that all potential hazards are minimised. The lifting routes need to be marked, the poles protected by safety posts, the safe height of the masts , and intensive training of workers cannot be considered as a sufficient measure.

Read more on the same topic:

Creating space in space or the ABC of mezzanine and loft space

What does a proper warehouse consist of and what does it cost roughly?

Flexibility, efficiency, basically duplicating the surface with a mezzanine floor.

Creating a warehouse using a solution based on storage shelves


Any questions or already have an idea, just contact us here!