Flexibility, efficiency, basically duplicating the surface with a mezzanine floor.
In this section, we take a broader look at where floors and mezzanines could be used. Let’s put it mildly, there is a huge range of solutions. The only limiting factor here is insufficient knowledge of the opportunities.
For example, mezzanine floors in outlets and its warehouses are increasingly in use. Because it makes sense to use space efficiently, especially in shops or businesses with high ceilings. There, part of the area can be covered with a mezzanine floor, giving the space a multidimensional feel. At the same time, part of the space can be used as storage or office space. This is also how loft office type solutions have emerged.

In production areas, the mezzanine is used as an office for production managers, shift supervisors, or as a storage area for tools and fine tools. Still with the idea of not having an office or something. distracting, and the floor space is used to the maximum.

In warehouses, using a mezzanine is a good way to quickly increase your storage space. Usually, a shortage of surface area hits unexpectedly, and if there is no new surface on the horizon, it’s a sour story.
With this solution, you can make the most of your existing space, giving you time to look around and find new space. On the plus side, you can take the mezzanine floor with you to a new location if necessary.
Garages have solved the problem of where to store their spare parts or tyres in the workshop.

Read more on the same topic:
Creating space in space or the ABC of mezzanine and loft space
What does a proper warehouse consist of and what does it cost roughly?
Creating a corridor warehouse using a solution based on poles
Creating a warehouse using a solution based on storage shelves
Any questions or already have an idea, just contact us here!