Laundry rolls – how to choose the right ones?

Warehouse racks are an essential part of the warehouse infrastructure, either speeding up or slowing down warehouse processes. Choosing the right type of shelf is therefore critical! With a smart decision, you save space, optimise processes and give your business the chance to grow. Plus, you’ll save money with a smart and prudent decision.
Looking at the market, there are many choices and many different providers. We believe that once you have an overview of the basics of storage solutions, you’ve made a good start! What motivates you to buy stock? Goods on the ground and confusion, expansion, changing processes, changing nomenclature, moving? Every business has different reasons, levels and needs. The need for storage bins is a result of the process or change in the storage of goods in the warehouse. The forklifts used in the warehouse must also be taken into account.
Classic storage shelves are base shelves that allow us to use the full height of the storage space. The standard depth of the base shelves is 1100 mm or 1050 mm depending on the manufacturer. The height of the shelves varies from low to heights of up to 40 m (for robots). In Estonia, shelves with a height of 4500 to 9000 mm are most common. Existing old buildings are generally lower and new buildings are higher, with the most common for new warehouses being 8-9 metres high, with 6.5 metres of shelving and 3 levels plus floor in sections (between two shelves).