AS HKScan Estonia

Modern stock lists help you keep up with market trends!

AS HKScan Estonia

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Previously, each item in AS HKScan Estonia ‘s warehouse had its own tunnel, which operated on a first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis. This means that the tunnel was filled at one end and the goods sold out at the other.

At one point, the market started to change. New products were introduced, new products needed to be stocked and customers wanted to receive goods with a certain delivery date. The solution that was in stock at the time no longer worked. A new solution was needed.


Baltic Laomeister OÜ has been involved in the creation of the current solution from the very beginning. Together with the client, they discussed and tried to find a reasonable solution. The Baltic Warehouse Master thought ahead and came up with some good ways to use warehouse space efficiently.

The work of the Baltic Warehouse Master and the execution were operational. Even now, when a warehouse needs to be repaired, it is done quickly. They come, they do, they think and they don’t need to be mentored.


In the process of creating a solution, the Baltic Minister of Shipping was there to advise and assist. As a result, HKScan Estonia has much more space in its warehouse than it had with the tunnels. It is now possible to store much more goods and keep up with market demand.

HKScan Estonia now has seven levels of shelving in the large warehouse and three heights in the smaller one. Thanks to the height of the storage shelves, the warehouse can accommodate significantly more goods.

Customer feedback:

The company AS HKScan Estonia is engaged in the production of meat products. My job is the day-to-day management of the warehouse.

Goods come into our warehouse from production. They are stored on shelves with their own address. Goods are then taken from the address and assembled according to the customer’s orders. The range is wide and the quantities are large. If we were to store all these goods on the floor, the warehouse would have to be too big. Instead, we have gone to the heights.

The Baltic Master of Warehousing specialists are always on hand to help. In this sense, we have a very good cooperation, so I give them the information they need to improve. They come and do it. At the same time, I can get on with my work and I don’t have to worry about shelves.

We have enjoyed this cooperation and I think it will continue.

Liivi Valdna – AS HKScan Estonia Kesklao foreman

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Baltic Warehouse Master is one of the largest suppliers and installers of warehouse rollers in Estonia. Our aim is to be a partner to the customer – to give the best advice, identify needs and make a warehouse that best solves the problem.