Metaprint AS

Is the work process slow? High-quality lorries help!

Metaprint AS


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The biggest problem for the metaprint warehouse was the inefficient use of storage space. The company uses metal sheets of different sizes, weights and thicknesses for production. In the past, all these sheets were on bases that were on top of each other in towers and the whole warehouse was full of base towers. Each vessel weighed 1-1.5 tonnes. When it was necessary to lift a leaf from the bottom base, the bases and leaves had to be lifted one by one. When they got the sheet they wanted, they lifted the piles back up so there was room to move around the warehouse again. As Metaprint’s sales portfolio is growing by 10% every year, this type of storage was no longer possible. The only solution was to switch to a warehousing system, as there was nowhere to put more storage space.


In the search for a partner to supply the storage bins, the Baltic Warehouse Master was found. Metaprint definitely wanted German shelving, from Schäfer, one of the world’s largest shelving manufacturers. The distributor of these storage rollers in Estonia is Balti Laomeister. Building on previous experience, negotiations were launched.

The metaprint warehouse required a special solution – the products are heavy and non-standard. This, in turn, placed major constraints on the load capacity of the shelf and its ability to accommodate special size trays. Baltic Storekeeper contacted the shelving manufacturer (Schäfer) and offered a complete solution for the Metaprint warehouse.


The result was a multiplication of the storage area. The efficiency of warehousing also increased significantly in terms of labour requirements. This was the biggest financial win, but even more important was maximising the use of warehouse space. With the new warehouse shelves, the entire organisation of work changed and warehouse management software was introduced. Now every parcel is in its place and can be picked up easily. It made the whole warehouse operation more convenient, modern and faster.

The Metaprint team is very pleased with the result . The warehouse ensures a comfortable working environment and safety for the employees.

Customer feedback:

Metaprint is active in the production of decorated three-piece aerosol bottles. I’m a purchasing and logistics manager at Metaprint. I am responsible for the whole supply chain. We have a wide supply chain, with factories not only in Estonia but also in Russia and the Netherlands.

If I had to do a stocking project again, I know who I would do it with. For those who are ordering warehouse furniture for the first time, I would recommend to look for companies with similar experience on the domestic market. We found a partner in the form of the Baltic Warehouse Master, who took care of the project from start to finish – with the acquisition, transport, assembly and consultancy of the warehouse shelving. He was able to offer a holistic solution. That was the most important thing. If I had had to do it alone, I don’t think these shelves would be standing here today.

Janek Hamidžanov – Metaprint AS Purchasing and Logistics Manager

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Baltic Warehouse Master is one of the largest suppliers and installers of warehouse rollers in Estonia. Our aim is to be a partner to the customer – to give the best advice, identify needs and make a warehouse that best solves the problem.