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Pallet container 1220x820x1020 mm, KOKM080100
288,00 € + KM

Pallet container 1200x800x1500 mm, KOKM901500
468,00 € + KM
Related products
Drawer with 10 doors, blue/grey, 1920x700x550 mm, I71351
425,00 € + KM
A sectional cabinet with a slim design that can be assembled without screws and tools. The sloping ceiling makes cleaning the cabinet easy.
More information:
- Number of doors: 10;
- Height of the front of the cabinet: 1830 mm;
- Height of the back of the cabinet: 1920 mm;
- width: 700 mm;
- depth: 550;
- weight: 45 kg;
- cylinder lock;
- powder coated blue, the bottom is grey.
Desk, 1500×750 mm, I82150
265,00 € + KM
Packing board 2000×800 mm with manual height adjustment, I74304
450,00 € + KM
Workbench 2000x800 mm with manual height adjustment
More information:
- width: 2000 mm;
- depth: 800 mm;
- height min: 720 mm;
- height min: 970 mm;
- Work surface thickness: 20 mm;
- load capacity: 150 kg.
Ideas for packing and preparing lighter items on a large table ! A rear section is also available, which can be combined to create a decent packing corner.
Feel free to ask for more!
Töölaud 1600×700 mm riiuliboksi ja metallkattega
220,00 € + KM
Töökoha paremaks korraldamiseks tootmises, ladudes ja mujal. Laual on palju erinevaid variatsioone, mõõte, tööpinna materjale ja lisaosasid. Kombineeri oma vajadustele vastavalt!
Töölaud 1600x700 mm riiuliboks, metallkatte ja tagaosaga
- pikkus 1600 mm
- laius 700 mm
- kõrgus 866 mm
- lauaplaadi paksus 24mm
- metallkate 1,2mm
- kandvus 750 kg kui raskus jaotub
- riiuliboks võtmega
- toote kaal 64 kg
Professionaalne laud töökotta ! Leia ka lisaosad sellele lauale. (tagaosa).
Töölaua saab varustada sobiva suurusega perforeeritud ekraaniga, LED-valgusti ja tööriista hoidjatega.
Pulbervärvitud. Tarnitakse lahtivõetult !
Küsi julgelt lisa!
Desk 2000×800 mm with drawers, metal top and adjustable height, I743353
975,00 € + KM
Workbench 2000x800 mm with drawers, metal top and adjustable height.
More information:
- length 2000 mm
- width 800 mm
- height min. 740 mm
- height max. 1100 mm
- thickness 42mm
- a load capacity of 500 kg if the weight is distributed
Drawers in ball bearings open 100%
Professional desk for the workshop ! Find also the accessories for the cellelle table. (rear)
Feel free to ask for more!
Lifting forks for crane, CY30, 3000 kg, I46030
1 700,00 € + KM
Balancing forklift for handling bases.
More information:
- load capacity: 3000 kg;
- fork length: 1000 mm;
- fork width: adjustable in 5 different widths from 450 to 900 mm;
- lifting ring height: adjustable to 3 different heights from 1720 to 2420 mm;
- automatic weight distribution from 600 kg;
- weight: 280 kg.